Mood Tracker: How to use it and what to look for

How to track your mood and reap the benefits.

Tracking your mood helps you to look for patterns, notice triggers, and reflect on opportunities for change. 

The Mentemia Mood Tracker is a simple tool that allows you to track your mood. 

With the Mood Tracker, you can:

  • Notice how you’re feeling in any given moment

  • Identify why you might be feeling that way 

  • Add notes so you can reflect in the future 

Over time, you’ll begin to notice patterns of good and bad moods. You’ll build up a rich picture about how your moods change depending on what else is going on in your life. By connecting your mood to the things happening in your life, you may be able to make changes to make you feel better. 

For example, you might notice that you feel low during particular times at work, or when you interact with certain people. Having this information can help you to better prepare for these situations in the future, and perhaps take extra steps to ensure you’re looking after yourself during these times. 

Working remotely is a new norm for many, but can make us feel isolated and lonely. If you’re adjusting to remote working or trying to stay connected with a working from home team, check out these wellbeing tips here.

You might also notice that you feel wonderful when doing certain activities
– and knowing this can help you prioritise and do more of these joyful activities. 

Tracking your mood only takes a moment, but it creates long-term benefits, including better self-awareness and resilience. 

If you’ve been thinking, “But I’m too busy to do this!” you might be in the busyness trap. Find out how to avoid the busyness trap and feel more productive and energised.

Download the Mentemia app today and give it a go.

Want to give your team these tools and more? Find out about getting Mentemia in your workplace.


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