How to promote wellbeing and happiness in remote workplaces

7 ways to support your team’s wellbeing when working from home.

1. Lead by example and prioritise your wellbeing

You may be working at home, but don’t let home be all about work. Keep work from leaching into evenings or weekends. Take breaks and get fresh air. Eat well (try these 7 healthy food swaps to boost your energy), keep active, and do some things you enjoy. You can’t look after your team if you’re not looking after yourself.

2. Be flexible

Expect things to be bumpy at first. Whether it’s setting up technology infrastructure at home or managing childcare – there will be challenges for each member of the team. Be accommodating and brain storm workable solutions together. 

3. Create achievable wins

Set small, meaningful goals that can be achieved quickly. Quick wins boost confidence and set the stage for more success. They also provide a sense of accomplishment and control, and they provide a reason to celebrate.

4. Check-in regularly

Stay connected with the team. Regular check-ins offer reassurance as well as the opportunity to raise concerns. Take advantage of technology. Instant messaging and video conferencing provide an effective way to collaborate and can reduce feelings of isolation.

Suspect a team member (or friend or family member) is feeling distressed? Click here to find out how to recognise distress in others and what to do.

5. Be adaptable

Review how things are going. Look at what’s working and what needs to change. Be ready to adapt and make improvements to the way the team is working. Talk to individuals to ensure you’re aware of any new stressors needing to be considered and accommodated.

6. Promote fun

Look at virtual ways to enhance fun and connection within the team. Teams that enjoy working together are generally happier (and more productive). Create a designated place within your group-chat application for casual conversation. Use video chat to have a group lunch, or an afterwork get together.

7. Encourage self-care

Ensure your team is aware of the importance of self-care right now. Talk about the ways you are looking after your own wellbeing. Encourage each team member to have their own wellbeing plan. And ask how you can best support them to make self-care a top priority.

Mentemia gives your team the resources and tools they need to make a mental wellbeing plan and thrive, while working from anywhere.


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