5 ways to be optimistic about the future (at any age)

The future is full of possibilities, no matter how many candles are on your cake.

Remember how exciting birthdays felt when you were a child?

All that anticipation for the years ahead. An intoxicating blend of hope, excitement, and curiosity. 

Some people feel this way about every birthday, well beyond childhood.

But, for many, birthdays eventually lose some of their sparkle. All of a sudden, it feels like the years are slipping by too quickly. 

If we’re not careful, we can stop feeling hopeful about the future, focusing only on the ‘could-have-beens’ instead of all the possibilities stretched out in front of us.

Perhaps it’s because that, as we get older, there seems to be fewer opportunities to try new things – to travel, change careers, find love. According to the average movie or advertising campaign, it seems all the exciting stuff happens when you’re young and carefree.

But here’s the thing – age doesn’t need to be a barrier to what we can achieve.

Often, it’s only our thought patterns that put a stop to seeing new possibilities on the horizon. 

So, instead of focusing on the past (which cannot be changed), here are some suggestions for looking forward with purpose and positivity. 

1. Practice gratitude every day

Optimism breeds optimism. Take time every day to focus on what you already have. Think about everything you are thankful for in life, and remember this is the stuff that truly matters.

Read: How to practise gratitude everyday: 10 prompts to boost your mood.

2. Write a new to-do list

But don’t make this one full of dull, monotonous tasks. Make it one that has lots of fun and exciting things to tick off over the next six to twelve months.

Read: How to make your to-do list work for you with the 1-3-5 method.

3. Know you have the power to change

Understand all the power to change that sits within you. It’s never too late to pivot or change course completely. Don’t let the possibility of change overwhelm you. Instead, concentrate on the positive steps you can take towards a bright future.

4. Make a difference to your community

There is nothing more rewarding in life than helping others – and we all have something to give. Consider ways to donate your time, money, skills, expertise or knowledge to those in need, and watch the world around you open up.

5. Seek out inspiring stories

Did you know that the oldest person to ever do a skydive was 103? The world is full of stories like this – if you take the time to look and listen. The young and carefree may dominate advertising, but they don’t need to dominate your reality. Talk to the people in your life and actively seek out inspiring stories of people doing incredible things at all ages. 

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