5 stress busting techniques that really work

Add these techniques to your stress-busting toolbox.

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be hard to know what to do or how to feel better.

Stress has a way of making even little decisions feel overwhelming.

That’s why it’s helpful to plan ahead for times of stress. Then, when stress does inevitably strike, you have some go-to techniques. 

To get you started, here are some common stress-busting techniques to keep up your sleeve. Try to practice these when you’re feeling calm, so they become automatic and natural when you’re stressed.

1. Exercise (the fun kind)

Everyone enjoys at least one physical activity, and spending a little time moving your body can be surprisingly good for your stress levels. 

Exercise can be as simple as a walk around the block, a living-room dance session, or an evening kicking a ball around with your kids.

Be sure to pick a form of movement that you enjoy and that energises you, rather than depletes you. If you hate running, that’s OK! There are so many other options for movement and exercise. 

Read: Stopped exercising? Learn how to restart.

Read: 5 reasons to exercise that have nothing to do with getting fit.

2. Visualise a special place

‘Special place visualisation’ is a technique where you close your eyes and mentally imagine yourself to be somewhere calming and relaxing for you.

Here’s how it works:

  • Think of a place where you have felt safe and peaceful. This might be a beautiful beach, your childhood home, your favourite cafe. If you can’t think of a place, try to create one in your mind.

  • Focus on the details of this special place. 

  • What does it look like? Consider shapes, colours, and objects. 

  • What does it sound like? Are there voices or ambient sounds? 

  • What does it feel like? Is it warm/cold? Can you describe the texture of your surroundings?

  • As you visualise your special place, try to take deep breaths at the same time and relax shoulder tension to encourage a sense of calm. 

3. Breath focus

Breath focus is a fantastic relaxation technique as you don’t need anything but a place to sit and a few minutes of peace and quiet.

Try our Guided Breathing Exercises in the Mentemia app to learn effective techniques. 

4. Progressive muscle relaxation

Consider your body and muscles right now. It’s likely you’re tensing some without even thinking about it.

Are you clenching your jaw? Are your feet tensed in position on the ground? Is your neck in a forced, uncomfortable position?

With progressive muscle relaxation, you start by getting in a comfortable position – such as sitting or lying down – then tighten each muscle in turn before letting it relax. Start with the muscles in your face, then move to your neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, abdominal muscles, legs, and feet.

Once you reach your toes, you will hopefully find your body feels more relaxed. Combining this technique with breathing can really help, too. 

Try this: Relax your muscles to reduce stress with this progressive muscle relaxation exercise.

5. Yoga

Yoga hasn’t become a worldwide phenomenon over recent years purely because of how comfortable the pants are (although that is a big draw card). It genuinely can help you to de-stress, and even squeeze a little exercise into your day.

Take an online beginners’ class or tutorial to get started. These exercises focus on your breathing, flexibility, balance, and strength. The focus required to get into position – and hold it – can help to clear a busy mind and give those racing thoughts a break.

If yoga is not your style, consider online tai chi, qigong, or pilates.

One last note

Keep in mind that everyone’s different, so it might take a bit of experimentation to find the best technique for you, or even several strategies at once.

Once you find something that works for you, try to incorporate it into your daily or weekly routine. The goal is for the technique to become automatic and easy, so you can quickly draw on it when you’re stressed. 

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