Stopped exercising? Learn how to restart

Fallen off the exercise wagon? Here are some tips to get you moving again.

Start where you are

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when getting back into exercise is starting where you left off – not where you are now.

If you were running 10 km per day before you stopped, you can’t expect to jump straight back in at that level. 

Instead, go back to basics. Start slow and see how you feel. Be honest with yourself about your abilities. 

Identify your ‘why’

Why do you want to get back into exercise? What’s driving you to move your body again?

Do you want to keep up with your grandkids? Participate in a triathlon? Walk up a flight of stairs without puffing?

Once you’ve figured out your why, write this down and put it somewhere you can see it every day. 

Reward yourself

Building up your fitness after a break can be challenging – make sure you celebrate small wins along the way. 

Start with achievable goals – like walking for 30 minutes three times per week – and reward yourself if you meet that target.

Try to choose a reward that aligns with the goal and won’t derail your health and fitness efforts. Treating yourself to a burger and fries after every workout is probably counterproductive. But savouring one small square of dark chocolate? Now you’re talking. 

Get really organised

You’re more likely to skip a workout if you’re busy or unorganised. 

Lay out your workout clothes the night before (or pack your gym bag), make sure your phone or music device is fully charged, leave your running shoes by the front door – do whatever you can to make it as easy as possible to fit in your workout.

If you have a bad day – ‘dump it’

This is a technique of Dr Nic Gill, strength and conditioning coach for the All Blacks. 

When players have a bad day on the field, he advises them to ‘dump it’ and focus on the future instead of dwelling on the mistake.

Let the bad episodes go and be gentle on yourself. Building fitness takes time, and no one’s perfect – even All Blacks have off days!


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